Donate to Aim High PDX

Help improve the many services we provide to our local community.

Your 100% tax deductible donation will help Aim High PDX and all of our departments to continue to make a positive impact in our community by offering scholarship funds to those in need. If you would like to donate to our cause, please visit our donation page by clicking the donate button below and complete your donation there.

Thank you for your generous donation and for helping make Aim High PDX an organization that HELPS IMPROVE our community.



We are an organization that is encompassed by unique departments that provide various services to children, teens and families.



To provide an environment that helps create jobs for others, provide behavior therapy services, and an education that focuses on respect for ourselves, others and our environment in an effort to work against victimization, bullying, depression, suicide and discriminatory ideology.


Our Departments provide services for:

Aim High Academy of Martial Arts - Teach self-defense, self-discipline, respect and more to children and adults of all ages

Aim High Impact - Provide behavior therapy services to children and teens diagnosed with autism leading to severe behaviors

Aim High Ink - Screen printing that provides apparel for various local businesses while creating jobs for transitional/at-risk youth

Aim High Events - An events programming department providing camps, birthday parties, and other events for youth in the community and creating jobs and volunteer opportunities for high schoolers

Aim High Ascent - A new program that provides early intervention services to children the ages of 2-5. More info coming soon!



When you donate to Aim High PDX, you provide better opportunities for those in our local community and beyond. The donations will help families near and far succeed. Be part of the Aim High family and donate today!